
Често Задавани Въпроси

Туклюбопитството среща яснотата. Разбираме, че пътят на изследване поражда много въпроси и сме тук, за да ви предоставим отговорите. Това пространство е посветено на това да ви помогне лесно и с разбиране да се ориентирате в изживяването със Заедно за 1. Независимо дали търсите повече информация за нашето съдържание, нуждаете се от насоки по специфични практики или сте любопитни за нашата мисия, тук ще откриете отговорите. Потопете се и открийте прозренията, които ще обогатят вашето пътешествие с нас!

Общи въпроси

Платформата Заедно за 1 е уникално пространство, посветено на изследването на пресечната точка между науката и духовността. Тя предлага разнообразие от ресурси, включително вдъхновяващи видеа, просветляващи статии, медитации, лечебни звукови честоти и онлайн академия – всичко създадено, за да насърчи личностното израстване, благополучието и по-дълбокото разбиране за единството на всичко съществуващо.

Да, насърчаваме ви да споделите своята история! Вашите преживявания могат да вдъхновят и просветлят други хора. Изпратете своята история чрез нашата секция Контакти или директно на имейл spodeli@zaednoza1.net и станете част от общото пътешествие на нашата общност.

Нашата контактна форма е директна връзка с нашия екип за всякакви въпроси или помощ, от които може да се нуждаете. Попълнете я с вашия въпрос или съобщение и ние ще ви отговорим с необходимите насоки и информация.

Предстоящата секция за запознанства е създадена, за да помогне на духовно ориентирани хора да намерят значими връзки. Очаквайте нейното пускане, където ще откриете уникално пространство за изграждане на дълбоки, сърдечни взаимоотношения.

Ресурси за Духовно пробуждане

Нашата внимателно подбрана селекция от книги се потапя дълбоко в сферите на духовността, личностното израстване и пресечната точка между науката и духа. Всяка книга е избрана, за да ви просветли, вдъхнови и насочи по пътя на самооткритието и универсалното разбиране.

Нашите медитации са създадени, за да ви осигурят спокойствие, прозрение и по-дълбока връзка с Източника на Всичко, което Е! Те са инструменти, които ви помагат да развиете осъзнатост, емоционален баланс и духовно пробуждане.

Нашата Видео библиотека е съкровищница от визуално съдържание, включващо вдъхновяващи лекции, образователни видеа и водени практики. Разгледайте я, за да откриете визуално вдъхновение, което резонира с вашето пътешествие и интереси.

Нашите статии обхващат широка гама от теми, включително най-новите научни открития, духовни прозрения, философски размишления и практични съвети за по-свързан и осъзнат живот.

Лечебните звукови честоти са звукови вълни, които резонират с енергийните центрове на тялото. Те подпомагат изцелението, релаксацията и усещането за хармония, като спомагат за съгласуване на физическото, менталното и духовното ви благополучие.

Разбира се! Нашата секция „Ежедневни практики“ предлага разнообразие от дейности като йога, упражнения за осъзнатост и въпроси за саморазмишление. Тези практики са създадени, за да обогатят ежедневието ви, насърчавайки личностно израстване и вътрешен мир.

„Женското пространство“ е предстояща специално обособена секция за жени, предлагаща ресурси, дискусии и съдържание, фокусирано върху женския духовен опит. Това е място за овластяване и връзка с истинската вътрешна същност.

Академия Когиталност е нашата онлайн платформа за обучение, предлагаща обширни курсове по духовност, личностно развитие и науката за себе си. Можете да се присъедините, като се регистрирате на нашия уебсайт, където ще получите достъп до богатство от знания и практически упражнения.


  • философия и физика
  • психология и психо-кибернетика
  • езотеризъм и езотерични практики
  • вълнова генетика и трансформация на форми
  • астрология и планетарни влияния
  • етимология и история
  • невропсихология и психосоматика
  • математика и генетика
  • медицина и лечение чрез честоти
  • регресия, прогресия и тълкуване на сънища
  • ченълинг и медитация
  • осъзнати сънища и манипулация на реалността
  • отваряне на третото око и клетъчна регенерация
  • работа с енергии и влияние върху материята
  • благородство и благодарност към Всичко, което Е
  • честност и отдаденост
  • отговорност и ангажираност
  • подобряване на личните взаимоотношения
  • трансформиране на зависимости
    и още много…


И да, всичко това се случва, но изисква работа, а не само четене…

Participants using the Theory of Cogitality range in age from 6 to 96 years old. This somewhat answers the question. At the same time, it is required that you desire change, are willing to experiment, and view Life as a great game that you yourself have chosen to play. Moreover, this game is yours, unique and unrepeatable, exclusively for you.

Every manifestation creates its own parallel reality but also its probable version of every other manifestation within the confines of that reality. The same happens with any other manifestation—it creates its own version of the first (manifestation) in its own reality. Thus, every manifestation experiences interaction with the created „in its own image and likeness“ reflections, calling this study interaction. Each version relies on and decodes a part of the overall frequency equation of the common field of potential. That’s why every interaction with another manifestation is an indicator of something that needs to be learned in one’s own individual reality to enhance the possibility of choosing a new probability. Thus, every choice leads to a new choice, and every development as a function of the energy of these choices is recognized and called… the experience of Life. Every equation is a piece of the puzzle of the entire probability potential…

All facts in the beginning were puzzle pieces, scattered in infinity—dispersed, inconsistent, unarranged. They arrive chaotically in moments when you are not seeking them and not expecting them… Flashes, twinkling in the darkness, which it is right to capture in your hands like fireflies – to collect them with patience, inspiration, and dedication. Then, embracing the scattered chaos of your own ignorance,  with faith in Nothingness, you arrange the light of your own Life. 

Because… Even if we believe we don’t believe, we still believe…


The Theory of Cogitality presents a sensational, previously invisible connection between different sciences, orienting and defining their unity and interdependence, practically opening the doors to unlimited potential of possibilities… Science merges with spirituality, and fiction becomes the reality of action. Through a unique approach of acceptance, ТК reveals that everything is interconnected, proving it and thus providing answers to many questions. Why do we exist and what are the laws of existence, what is matter, and what are the principles of development for each element, how can we bring ourselves to a state of happiness, can we „peek“ into the future and the past – these are questions that ТК has categorical answers to.

The structure and formation of the universe and matter are a consequence of the individual’s Choice, leading to parallel worlds determined by the infinite possibilities of the brain. It’s all Mind, creating illusory holograms („material“ images) in the manifestations of Life…

  • Do you gain more knowledge with ТК? – yes, by enhancing intuition, realizing your mistakes, improving memory and the volume of used information, recognizing the Akasha and the informational potential of the Source itself.
  • Do you unfold your own possibilities? – yes, you can even discover and acquire new, previously unsuspected abilities, the „third eye“ opens for seeing and assimilating the „invisible,“ you gain opportunities you hadn’t even dreamed of.
  • Do you connect with other entities from different planets and Universes? – yes, you can even communicate with them (channeling).
  • Do you decipher the messages of dreams? – yes, and you can even „foresee the future“ or „change the past“ by visiting these parallel realities.


  • Do you improve your physical and mental condition? – yes, even the financial.

Can you?… yes

But will you?… yes

However… YES, YES, YES

Theory of Cogitality is not the best… It is the only one!

Cogitality (cogito, Latin – I think) – it is thought, mentality in general. An all-pervading substance. In the infinity of Everything that Is!

The Theory of Cogitality (ТК) views the world as a result of examining desired individual changes in the state of any element of existence. It is demonstrated that the world, Reality, is energy, vibration – an illusion of a virtual Choice, „enclosed“ within a certain frequency boundary to appear as a Universe and a world of matter. Vibration creates the illusion of density, solidity, but it is energy with a specific frequency of oscillation. When this frequency is individual and unique for any object, it also functions as protection for the object itself. The frequency itself forms a field that acts as a reflecting surface for every other (similar) field with a different frequency. It’s just like with magnets – when their poles are the same, they repel each other and cannot be touched. At the same time, each magnet contains both poles within itself. Similarly, the energy field is a limitation of the overall energy within a certain zone with two polarities. An illusion of a barrier, protection, and limitation of an element from the entire (common) energy is created. This is a zone, self-contained by the entire potential, with two polarities. The limitation it possesses creates an illusion of temporarily preserved information, called… physical reality. Moreover, it even creates an impression of interaction of one limitation (separated individuality) with others… To complete this frequency-wave picture, properties, abilities – „absorption“ and „reflection“ manifest, further enhancing the illusion of separation. Within the limitation, the field can be defined as a „pre-existing“ world, as pre-existing and present… The specific frequency vibration creates an illusion of wholeness, distinctiveness, uniqueness of the image, „enclosed“ in a form that needs to be protected from everything „outside“ because the external is different, unknown, unfamiliar… The world becomes the Self… and everything else…

Energy is movement, vibration, which also means temperature, wavelength, information. It turns out that when there is no movement, energy is an informational potential gathered in… nothingness. This nothingness is, on the one hand, everything as probability and possibility, but on the other, it is an unmanifested, nonexistent potential.

In this „point“ of rest and lack of movement, time flows at an infinite speed (everything „happens“ in the moment „here and now“), and space disappears and sinks into the emptiness of nothingness… This non-existent energy-informational potential contains within itself all possible variations of all possible probabilities from equations that could be created, to be manifested. To explore each of these equations, movement needs to be created in this frequency potential, which will confine a field within certain frequency boundaries and function as an individual, specific, and unique regularity, equation, function. This is one aspect, one tone, or one equation of the infinite possible probability equations in the Whole. Each range, each unique vibration is another equation that allows another possible probability. Thus, every limitation is also the corresponding equation, and the combination of all equations allows for the experience of physical existence – an illusion of a material world. Each set of equations allows the use of new possibilities for developing the idea of a fleeting surrounding reality, and each choice is a new variation and a new decision to create the next reality. Therefore, each equation, each function of this energy possesses its own personal hologram (individual limitation), as well as a personal surrounding environment. The manifestation system is confined to the individual field of the frequency range, which was pre-chosen (by the same manifestation). The energy of the field becomes a field of protection – the individual field of each manifestation. The function, the equation of each individual frequency range, interacts with any other. As a result, it is experienced as synchronous (harmony) or asynchronous (disharmony) with the individual frequency. In the first case, the „experienced“ vibrations are called joy, love, creativity, inspiration, passion, etc. When the vibrations are asynchronous (out of sync), we label these vibrations as fear, doubt, anger, jealousy, and so on. On a global scale, this is the principle of the functioning of Everything that Is – by limiting the range of the overall informational field, an energy filter is created, leading to vibrations that we call experiences.


Researchers on this question provide an example: let’s imagine a photon moving between two points in space. The distance between these two points consists of tiny segments, each with a length of the Planck scale (1.6×10^-35 meters), which is considered the smallest distance a photon can traverse (Planck time – the time it takes for a photon to travel a Planck length). When the photon moves a Planck length, it effectively moves only in space and not in absolute time. Thus, the photon can be thought of as moving from point 1 to point 2, and its position in point 1 is before its position in point 2, analogous to numbers (1 comes before 2 in numerical order). The numerical order is not equivalent to the temporal order since 1 does not exist before 2 in time. In practice, this means that there are two states of the photon at the same time, essentially in a state of „timelessness.“ Sequencing is only possible numerically based on the assigned value of the numerical order.

Therefore, many scientists believe that the mathematical model of spacetime does not correspond to physical reality, and hence, the term „timeless state of being“ is a more accurate description. In the concept of time, where time is seen as a numerical sequence of changes occurring in space, space becomes a fundamental system in which the experiment takes place. Time becomes a set of frames of the object’s properties – material changes arranged according to the assigned numerical order. Sorli argues that „Based on experimental data, time is what we measure with hours – with hours, we measure the order of material changes, that is, motion in space.“

Researchers emphasize that this perspective on time rejects the idea of time travel. Since time itself does not exist, Sorli notes, „From our point of view, time travel – into the past and future – is not possible. We can only travel in spacetime by exploring different frames that reflect changes in states, which we call motion.“

The conclusion is that motion is an illusion of perception reflecting changes in states. This idea is developed in the theory of relativity using the well-known concept:

„The faster you move, the slower time passes“ (the twin paradox, Einstein).

This means that time passes at different rates in a stationary and moving reference frame. At speeds close to that of light (300,000 km/s), the difference is significant. For example, if one of two twin brothers goes on a journey in a spaceship traveling at a speed close to the speed of light, he moves extremely fast. Upon his return to Earth after a year-long journey, the traveling twin finds himself about ten years younger than his brother. The reason for this is that during this period, he is moving at an enormous speed, and time passes slowly for him. For his brother, who remains on Earth and moves at its lower speed (much lower than the speed of light), time passes faster than on the spaceship. Thus, the Earth-bound brother ages a „normal“ ten years, while the one returning from the journey ages only one year. In 1992, an experimental verification of this thought experiment was conducted with a pair of synchronized atomic clocks. When one of them was placed on an artificial satellite (with a speed of 8-11 km/s or 28,800-39,600 km/h), it lagged behind the clock left on Earth, meaning time passed more slowly for it. This experimentally proves that:

„The faster you move, the slower time passes.“

Now, let’s consider the reverse scenario – what happens to time in a state of rest. From the mentioned experiment, it follows that the slower you move, the faster time passes. In a state of rest, time passes so quickly that it tends towards infinity. It can be concluded that within the span of a single moment, the information available in this state (at rest) is infinite. Rest contains all the information, and Time in this state passes infinitely fast. Therefore, events happening before or after, for example, 3,000,000,000 years, become states in a single infinite moment – Here (in the state of rest) and Now (a moment of infinitely fast passing time). In a state of rest, space is absent, and time is always an infinite moment of Now. Any deviation from the state of rest is motion (exploration of the change in state at a specific speed). The faster we investigate this change (i.e., move), the slower time passes for us. Each speed leads to time different from infinity. The moment of Now „stretches“ according to the individual desire to explore changes in states.

Expanded time explores the probabilistic changes of states. In geometric terms, what we can outline as a possible model for this is a hypersphere. It represents a set of probable states (points) at a constant distance from a given point called the non-center. The choice of center and radius constitutes a family of interconnected probabilities known as random search. The term „hypersphere“ was introduced by Duncan Somerville in his discussion of models for non-Euclidean geometry. In our case, we have three centers with three frequency coordinates, defining a 9-frequency constraint of manifestation. Random searching is the possibility of the appearance or disappearance of probable elements within a „virtual sphere with an undefined but individual size“ volume. Every act of thinking „draws“ a frame with fixed parameters of the mentioned frequency characteristics. Thus, with each moment through the act of thinking, a „virtual limited area with a chosen individual size“ is determined. Additionally, the speed of thinking (investigating states) can be considered as the speed of motion to reach the individual surface of the sphere. In this way, two „opposite“ states, oscillating at different frequencies, are determined – points on both sides of the center. These probabilities also create vibrations in a limited field (zone) where energy is retained. A sphere with three centers and three coordinate systems is formed in the Now moment for the study of a change of state (individual, singular investigation). Then, the „virtual sphere with an undefined but individual size“ cuts out (stretches) certain vibrations of limitation (hypersphere) from the infinite frequencies (probabilities) of the state at rest (Potential in the moment of Now) and creates a floating, oscillating diffraction lattice of interference patterns (interaction) of two „opposite“ states, a consequence of a specific choice.

In the parameters of this „stretching,“ time no longer flows at an infinite speed and an illusion of investigating states „past, present, and future“ is manifested – three centers with three coordinate systems – transmutation of states.

„Mental transmutation means the art of changing and transforming mental states, forms, and conditions into others. Since the World is mental in its nature, Mental Transmutation represents the art of changing the conditions of the World, along with the change of Matter, Force, and Mind. Mental Transmutation is indeed magic.“

The Kybalion

Everything exists simultaneously… The past and the future actually exist here and now, in simultaneity with the present. The so-called past and future lives also exist now, in their own frequency fields, alongside the present. Everything is potential possibilities of the present that we haven’t chosen or focused on at this moment. It’s the unknown that we haven’t yet recognized and experienced. This doesn’t mean that these probable realities don’t exist; it means they operate at different frequencies that we aren’t attuned to. This exercise helps us tune into these different frequencies and gain more fine-tuning abilities. Extracting information from a specific era or parallel reality is beneficial because it teaches us to focus on images that seem unthinkable. This allows the senses to unfold, expands the comfort zone (CZ), and enhances the sense of accumulated experience, making it possible for logic to accept different simultaneously existing realities. This way, we increasingly attune ourselves to the frequencies of the Source, to the Wholeness, to cognizance.

Primarily, we are focused on a specific life, a specific identity, and embodiment. But everything in our individual reality is, in fact, a reflection of ourselves from a globally different perspective. Everything in our constructed reality is a reflection of what we emit. And although the surrounding environment consists of autonomous holograms, real in and of themselves, and in a sense, different, they are still reflections in various ways. Some have more or less comparability; some are complete opposites. However, they all function as actual expressions of parallel virtual manifestations. They exist simultaneously with the identity we believe we are and that we are focused on in a given moment, in a specific embodiment. Thus, parallel realities exist even within our own time frame, within our own lives, and represent reflections of all other people. These are our reflections in realities that exist simultaneously with us here and now.

Both past and future parallel realities are embedded in this simultaneity. From the linear spatiotemporal perspective of the individual cycle and frequency embodiment, we might think that these virtual reflections and experiences are not happening simultaneously. Still, from the perspective of cognizance (Wholeness), they are also Here and Now. There are no different time frames, things that happened a long time ago or are yet to happen. In the zero point, in cognizance or the Source, time flows at an infinite speed, and practically everything happens in a single moment. Remember Bell’s theorem, which states that there are no isolated systems! Every particle is instantaneously connected to every other particle…

This way, the past and the future are parallel realities within us, and all the people from these worlds, similar to different people from our present, are also our reflections. Past and future lives also possess their reflections in what they consider their current time frames, comparable in parallel realities to us. They function as reflections for those versions of ourselves that exist simultaneously with theirs and with which we are connected. It’s easy to arrive at the idea that our different parallel versions exist in „other time versions“ of Earth, which may or may not resemble anything we’re familiar with. But these are parallel realities that we can actualize. It’s possible to have a version in a parallel reality that has made a different choice than the one we made regarding a specific event. This leads us to the conclusion that we are each other… Each other is us, and each of us is each other. Then the question, „What would have happened if I had done something else?“ becomes meaningless because someone else has already done the other thing. And this is part of experiencing another parallel reality. The cliché „we are all one“ becomes a real fact. The idea of other lives to which we are connected in other worlds and dimensions are parallel realities to our current physical reality. In other words, we have probable manifestations belonging to foreign civilizations and versions of ourselves that manifest simultaneously in cognizance… And we are connected to them all… Everything is one big whole, interconnected in the one circle of sameness and difference… In the energy of Wholeness, there are no barriers and limitations, as exist in the „reversed parallel reality.“ There, all frequencies are available, so the „material“ world becomes transparent to the energy.

If you speak to beings „beyond,“ or even if you think about them, they know. They receive the messages and constantly send them, but enclosed in their frequency barriers, we don’t suspect they come from them. Messages can often appear as synchronous events in life. It’s easier to send messages through things (we call them tablets) that are before your eyes than by other means. Physical individuals focus on matter – „eye to see, hand to touch.“ So, each of us forms connections and close relationships, which we never really terminate unless we make such a decision or have an experience of it. Entering the „beyond“ is like awakening from sleep, and then you realize exactly what you represent. All these beings are here and now throughout all time, but the hologram doesn’t perceive them because they are on a different frequency than the senses of anyone. 

„In the infinite many-worlds framework, the wavefunction can be restored (as a secondary object) from the motion of these worlds. We present a simplified model of such „many interacting worlds“ and show that it can be used to compute ground-state quantum mechanics (analogously to Ehrenfest dynamics, wavepacket propagation, barrier tunneling, and the zero-point energy), all of which naturally emerge from the interaction of these worlds. Finally, we perform digital simulations using this approach. Firstly, we show that it can be used to compute on-the-ground quantum conditions, and secondly, that it is capable of reproducing the double-slit parallel phenomenon.“

The existence of parallel realities is one of the most significant scientific theories. A selected group of physicists gathers to explore the idea of parallel worlds and reaches specific mathematical proofs that something similar could be possible. The group of Australian and American physicists suggests that there may be several versions of our universe that can interact with each other on a quantum level. Dr. Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Zurek from Griffith University in Australia, together with Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, publish the so-called theory of „Parallel Linked Worlds“ (MIW) in the journal Physical Review X.

Quantum mechanics itself exhibits strange phenomena that violate the principles of cause and effect. That’s why it is so challenging to explain the essence of these phenomena. „Any explanation of quantum phenomena will be strange, and that’s why standard quantum mechanics doesn’t really offer an explanation for everything; it simply makes predictions from laboratory experiments,“ says Dr. Wiseman, Huffington Post.

This theory serves as an alternative to the concept of „many worlds“ proposed in 1950 by the American physicist Hugh Everett, explaining the ability of quantum particles to be in two places at once. He suggests that both versions exist simultaneously in different realities, which is why quantum particles can appear to be in two places at the same time. According to his hypothesis:

– Each version of reality branches into many new realities.

– Each reality exists independently.

– Each reality cannot interact with another.

The theory of „Parallel Linked Worlds“ differs in that multiple universes overlap and mutually influence each other. The three main points of the Theory of Parallel Linked Worlds are:

– There is a vast number of universes, some of which can be almost identical.

– All these universes are equally real.

– There is a force of repulsion between similar universes, generating quantum interactions between them.

„The beauty of this approach is that if there is only one world, our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, and if there is an infinite number of worlds, it reproduces quantum mechanics. This can predict something new, which is neither Newton’s theory nor quantum theory. We believe that providing a new understanding of quantum effects will be useful in planning the testing and utilization of quantum phenomena. There are probably many who are not satisfied with the current interpretations… But the idea of interacting with other universes is no longer a fantasy but a reality,“ says Dr. Wiseman.

 It is a state of presumed doubt combined with a complete lack of action. It involves maintaining the belief that there is a significant possibility and probability (more than 62%) of not achieving the desired result. While doubt is faith in an unwanted outcome or an unsuitable reality, hope is presumptive doubt, i.e., doubting the doubt. Lack of trust even in doubt.

It is a mental, probable choice of action based on individual preferences from the available options of experience and the individual’s filtering. Understanding is not action. To materialize and manifest a specific result, action is required. Action and understanding can diverge.


It is a desire to weaken an undesired outcome. The recommendation is to act according to the desire for a specific result without provoking a tendency to weaken undesired outcomes. If the tendency is to weaken undesired outcomes, it creates a state of resistance and denial, leading to opposite results from the preferred ones.

It is trust in an unwanted outcome or an unsuitable reality. Trust is not learned or developed; it is not given or taken. Every individual is 100% certain and based on something. Trust is simply a focus on the desired result or reality, not on its opposite. Just as with assessment, if the tendency is to weaken undesired outcomes, it creates a state of resistance and denial, leading to opposite results from the preferred ones.

It is the refusal to achieve the desired outcome or reality. This means that the individual gives up on the desired outcome or reality, believing that they are impossible. As long as there is no abandonment of intention, there is no failure or lack of success. As long as there is a pursuit of the desired, everything, absolutely every result, is a step toward success. The undesired outcome becomes an experience that is best not repeated. In other words, one who seeks and does not stop in their pursuit always finds… what they are looking for.

Manifestation is the process of altering vibrations. It’s a frequency adjustment where the invisible and the unknown become visible and „ready“ for exploration. Manifestation is the tuning of the vibrational oscillations with the intention to make visible what was previously invisible. Everything is Here and Now and already exists as Potential. No one is modeling anything. Everything is where it is, in the simultaneity of Here and Now. To see something, your consciousness needs to correspond, to be vibrationally synchronized with the desired, so that it becomes visible and tangible in the experienced reality.

Example: If in position A, there is a sphere that we strike with a tuning fork and measure the frequency of its vibrations very precisely, we will obtain the frequency vibrations of that object in exactly that position A. If in position B, we measure the vibrations of the same sphere after striking it with the same tuning fork, with the same force, and after precisely measuring the frequency of its vibrations, we will discover that the frequency vibrations of that object in position B are fundamentally different. This happens because in practice, this is another object, another frame from another parallel reality, which simply has a different vibration and oscillation. Everything, every element, every frame, every moment is something unique, unrepeatable, and singular. This is the principle of manifestation.

If in position A, we set the frequencies from position B to the sphere, the sphere will disappear from position A and appear in position B. It becomes invisible in point A and „manifests,“ becomes visible in point B. This is what we call „teleportation,“ but it is, in fact, the principle of manifestation. Whatever is a part of Everything that Is has its own unique and singular vibration, valid solely and exclusively for itself – as it is, where it is, in the Here and Now.

Egregore (from Ancient Greek ἐγρήγοροι – „watchers of consciousness“) – in occult religions and theories, this is a mental energy condensate of the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and assigned meanings of people. An egregore is considered a collective agreement, a shared energy imprint that is frequency-synchronized for a specific group. It is the superposition of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies generated by two or more entities (states, objects, elements) that vibrate together in the same direction or with the same purpose. It represents a collective creative process of unity in thought and action for the created reality. There is a specific moment of saturation when the energy accumulation develops as an independent existence, like an individually existing entity, as an independent subject, or as a deliberately created essence. At that point, the egregore transmutes into a personality. In this way, the egregore can also be perceived as a „god“ – a unifying element containing all the frequency characteristics of the universal collective of elements that constitute it. Then, „egregore“ and „god“ become interchangeable concepts – the existence of the egregore is maintained through the mental and physical energy of its creators (as long as it is not independently existing). When it becomes an independent unit, it self-sustains through constant and intense emotional and mental attitudes of the elements within the environment from which it was created. Transformation and change of an egregore occur when the direction of thought and action of its creators (participants) changes. There are two directions – outward from the egregore field and inward into the egregore field.

From a psychological perspective, an egregore is the atmosphere and personality that develops as a common structure among groups of people, regardless of each individual within those groups. It is the feeling or impression that an individual experiences when in a different environment than their usual one.

In official science, the concept of egregore correlates with the notion of a meme. A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. The term derives from the ancient Greek word „mimema“ (μίμημα, „something that is imitated“) and is analogous to the term „gene.“ The concept of a „meme“ was introduced by Richard Dawkins in his book „The Selfish Gene“ (1976) when discussing the evolutionary nature of the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Memes propagate by jumping from one brain to another through a process that can be broadly described as imitation or replication. Memes are considered living structures, not only in a metaphorical sense but also as a physical model. When a meme is „planted“ in a certain brain, it literally „parasitizes“ it, turning it into a carrier for the spread of the meme, much like a virus parasitizes the genetic apparatus of a host cell. From this perspective, morality, moral values, societal attitudes toward what is true, false, right, and wrong should be regarded as a virus that parasitizes the brain. Therefore, any kind of filtration, such as how we eat or breathe, can be accepted in a similar manner. Simultaneously, when viewed from the reverse side, this is an extremely useful model for adaptation in a particular environment.

From the standpoint of contemporary psychology, the concept of egregore is identical to concepts like the „collective unconscious“ and the „collective mind,“ „collective agreement,“ or with concepts like the information field and the noosphere (Vladimir Vernadsky). From this perspective, the egregore is a mental hypersphere containing the frequencies and energies of the elements that create it, within the constraints that the elements themselves have agreed to explore.

Filters are choices made within the individual constraint of manifestation and represent interference patterns that have already „embraced and included“ the principles of the grid of reality. They are individual combinations of the nine fundamental frequencies. These combinations enable the manifested hologram to more easily or more difficultly „experience“ certain states as experiences. This means that, in the selected frequency zone being explored, according to the hologram’s desires, the preferred interaction takes place. All holographic elements interact with the reality formed by their decisions and actions. Without interaction, there is no exploration. Therefore, actions are connected to thinking (intention). The act of thinking triggers vibrations in the Nothingness, the appearance of a resonator from a pair of photons or an electron-positron, leading to the realization of an interference pattern with the simultaneous appearance of scalar waves. The diffraction grating (resonator) simultaneously absorbs vacuum fluctuations but also emits scalar grids. This movement of opposing currents creates the illusion of the presence of space-time, as well as „forms“ that interact with each other. Each individual distortion of the currents gives rise to a new solution, a new reality, a new probability of „experience.“ The additional frequencies created (in addition to the basic 9) serve as adaptation and survival mechanisms in the surrounding environment. They are the „consequence and cause in the simultaneity of the hypersphere“ for the manifestation of the grid of reality. The formed „forms“ are „separate“ galaxies, systems, and planets that have energy filtering and transmission networks embedded within them, determining the principles of their interactions and separateness. This creates the illusion of the hologram’s separateness from reality and from the Source. These additional frequencies, which are brought into the nine frequencies due to the principles themselves, thus altering both the interference pattern (the diffraction grating) and the initially defined „form,“ are called FILTERS. Practically, the nine frequencies shape the entire range of the choice boundary in a relatively stable zone – the comfort zone (CZ) but also the zone of problem creation (ZPC). The additional frequencies introduced afterward serve as constraints, as well as individual regulation and adaptation of the chosen CZ/ZPC in interactions with other individuals. In this way, all additional frequencies – for the grid of reality and for the hologram – become constraints that change the interference pattern of the diffraction grating at every moment (the initial resonator). Thus, through desires and choices (acts of thinking), through actions and experiences (doing and interacting), the hologram changes the diffraction grating, which automatically leads to a change in the entire grid of reality and the parallel reality of the hologram itself. This forms a new reality with the new choices of the individual (the hologram). The hologram experiences this new parallel reality again, leading to a change in the diffraction grating, and so on – the cycle is closed, constant, and infinite. This is the „standard“ process of unconscious experiencing.

The meaning of Life is to create reality, observe it, experience it, and make changes to that reality through Choices (the act of thinking + action). In this way, we become conscious Creators with boundless possibilities. It is essential to remember that all experiences of reality arise as a result of thoughts and actions. Additionally, the direction to be chosen is crucial – whether it is outward or inward. Everything boils down to frequencies that allow or block energy from the Source (the Casimir effect). All filters are resonators of scalar waves (r+), which can stop and even completely reflect the energy itself. A crucial aspect of this process is the quantity of information passing through the chosen constraint. When planning reality, a specific probabilistic image is projected, each individual visualizing it in their unique way – the way they desired it. The act of this thinking generates an impulse of individual energy r+ toward the Source. This impulse leads to the appearance of a pair of elements, forming a resonator (f+ & f-; electron-positron), which generates scalar waves in the Potential of unrealized probabilities containing r+ frequencies. A protective field and an interference pattern are formed and retained in this field. The image contains what was desired, but the final result is always different, albeit slightly, because, by following the commitment principle, the result goes beyond the comfort zone of the desiring individual. What matters is the Creation (as a result) that the creator is striving for, not the illusory image built in their mind (it already exists in the CZ/ZPC).

Outward direction or the commitment principle:

Solving any task occurs by using a different thinking method than the one used to create the task. This means discovering options beyond the ones already known, which have been explored and, for that reason, are deemed impossible. When one sets out to explore the unknown, every experience of ignorance transforms into knowledge that has already been experienced and there’s no way to „go back“ to the same state. It is already known, already knowledge, not ignorance. The exploration carried out by the „existing,“ manifested hologram can only be for unexplored states. Investigating already familiar states is impossible because it doesn’t solve any task. So, is „time travel“ possible? Yes – it is possible, but not exactly to the same frames, but rather to those very close to them that have remained unexplored. An example of this is the predictions on the Internet by John Titor (a time traveler „from“ 2036), according to whom the third world war began in 2015 (in his reality).

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